Sunday, 16 April 2017

TT race

I signed up for a 25 mile TT race last weekend - part of this training/race thing I'm doing...

Arriving at Great Missenden for registration at 0730 on a chilly 7'C but bright Sunday morning, I watched the fanatics on their turbo trainers by the side of their cars warming up, just like Bradley in the Tour de France. Bit over keen, I thought. At least I too, had a TT bike, but this was the first time I had done a race like this before.

Then I heard the solid wheel whoosh sound of a fancy TT bike riding past me by a skinny man in a skin suit and a twat hat.

There were one or two other Hillingdon triathletes there, but I wasn't in the mood for being sociable at that time of the day.

At my pre-determined time of 0803, I was at the start - a grid in the road of a junction with the A413, with a man and a stop watch and another holding my bike in an upright position. I was clipped in and ready to go.

Within the first 12 minutes, my legs were screaming. I heard my watch beep that I'd done the first Toby set off 1 minute behind me.

My watch beeped with each 5k, my heartrate was good, but the legs were tired. Crouched into a TT position, my left hip started to cramp a little. But Toby didn't catch me.

In the end, I completed the race in 1:19, an average of just under 30kph. Not too bad I thought. Toby was 39 Seconds faster but most of the others were at least TEN MINUTES faster!!!

Maybe the skin suit, solid wheel and twat hat might have been been a good idea...

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